Disease under- treatment in Nature cure:
Respiratory problem(asthma), disease of the nose, tonsillitis, nerve related disease, tension, depression, sleeplessness, migraine, spondylitis, thyroid disorder, high blood-pressure and low blood, pressure, heart-related problem, diabetes, liver problem, constipation, indigestion gastritis, ulcer, acidity, plies, colitis, paralysis, stone disease, enlargement of prostate, kidney problem, spot on the face, shingle (skin disease), Psoriasis, obesity, infertility, children and female person related problem
Characteristics of Nature Cure System:
- The equipment’s of treatment are natural and indigenous.
- By means of natural treatment, not only the particular diseases but also the whole body is treated and purified.
- If we follow the natural way of life, we don’t need to use modern medicine that has side-effects on our body.
- We can feel free from the fear of diseases adverse and the side-effects of the modern medicines.
- If diseases due to which we suffer are cured in time, we do not have to suffer more.
- Nature cure brings awareness in the field of health and people can enjoy the full blessings of their health in their natural state.
Methods of Nature Cure:
- Ether Therapy.
- Air Therapy.
- Chromo Therapy.
- Hydro Therapy.
- Mud Therapy.
- Yoga Therapy.
- Herbal Therapy.
- Diet Therapy.
- Massage Therapy.
- Psycho Therapy.
- Acupressure Therapy.
- Physio Therapy.