We have a team of Doctors who are expert in the field of Naturopathy, Yoga, Acupuncture/Acupressure, Physiotherapy, Nutrition, Rehabilitation and Counseling.
Successfully treating case of many acute and chronic ailments including Diabetes, obesity, Hypertension, hypothyroid, skin disease, Digestive disorders, Allergy, Asthma, Paralysis, Kidney failure, arthritis, Back pain, spondylosis, Migraine, Cancer rehabilitation and many others.
- .NATUROPATHY (Modern equipments and Technique):
Nature Cure is a Science of healing the Disease with the co-operation of natural forces called panchamahabhuthas (five elements) that is earth, water, fire, air and ether. Here we treat patient in all dimension of human body i.e physical, mental, emotional, intellectual and spiritual with the aids of these elements scientifically with modern equipments and technique.
Patients are encouraged to attend general and special yoga session conducted daily in the morning and other time of the day. Other aspects of yoga like positive talks, Meditation, six cleansing technique (Satkarma) and counseling are being used therapeutically.
Diet an integral and is one of the fundamentals of natural therapy. Simple changes in our diet can make a huge difference in our health. With an emerging concept of food as a medicine our efforts are to serve a natural, delicious, and freshly prepared vegetarian food in our kitchen that serves required calories with palatable taste, prepared under the guidance of qualified & experienced naturopathy doctors.
In order to cultivate your habit and guide you on the right path during the treatment our doctors will suggest you to study the right books written by well renowned authors. You can find Medical Books, Books on Nutrition and health, Diet Recipe Books, Books on Fasting Therapy, Yoga, naturopathy, Massage, Physiotherapy, Medical Magazines.
Continuous Lecture or counseling sessions is been carried to make an impact on the patients mind. This may serve the purpose for institutes dealing with a large number of patient. So that patients can put their problem forward to managements and doctor about their management issues and issues regarding treatments or their health so that we can make their stay with us very comfortable and fruitful.
CNCH extends its services by conducting in house and out station orientation programs like:
- Naturopathy Health education Programme for general public.
- Naturopathy Awareness programme for women.
- Naturopathy Training Programme for students.
- Naturopathy training Programme for Practitioners of any System of Medicine.
- Package programme for self management, stress management, cardiac life style, TLC (Therapeutic Life Style Changes ,PPH(Promotion of positive Health) and yoga.
CNCH also offers One Month Yoga Classes for general public. These classes are conducted for one hour daily for 6 days a week except on saturday and Govt. holidays. These batches will be admitted with a maximum number of Forty five participants in each batch.
Not only acute, chronic and degenerative diseases are being treated in this hospital we have the facilities of various rehabilitation programme such as post surgical rehabilitation, ortho-neuro rehabilitation, cancer rehabilitation.
Our doctors will encourage staying with us throughout the course of treatment for better results under their observation. You can choose from private room (cabine) with double bed (attached) to general room for availing treatments that require you to stay with us under our routine.
CNCH practice traditional cow farming inside the campus and organic farming in and outside the campus under its own management. Main purpose of cow farming is to produce organic dairy products like milk, cheese and butter. At present we have 12+ cows. The main purpose of organic agriculture in enhancing soil fertility and nitrogen inputs and addressing food security. so that we can serve those product as a part of diet therapy to our patients.
With the aim to provide the requirements of the patients we have our own utility centre inside the hospital where about 100 varieties of food items including pure Honey, wheatgrass, unpolished rice, Herbal tea, treatments equipments like Neti pots, enema set, packs, Bath tub and other accessories of Daily requirements are available.
Naturopathy and yoga are not alternative medicine they are alternate to medicine.